Ted DiBiase Sr. would vehemently confront anyone who labels wrestling as staged.

Ted DiBiase Sr. would vehemently confront anyone who labels wrestling as staged.
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In a recent episode of his podcast “Everybody’s Got A Pod”, WWE Hall of Famer Ted DiBiase Sr. discussed the constant skepticism from the public related to the credibility of professional wrestling.

Here are some notable excerpts from the podcast:

When asked if he ever went physical on someone who dismissed wrestling as fake: “No, each scenario is unique. When Vince arrived — to be honest, Vince hit the nail on the head. Realistically, how many wrestling viewers truly believe in it? Not too many. If you’re an adept storyteller, you can engage the viewer in the narrative you’re spinning. Everyone loves to cheer the hero and boo the villain, it’s the essence of wrestling. If you’re a heel that fuels a lot of negative response, you better be tough enough to handle it. You never know when a fan might test you.

“On a couple of occasions for me, it was how disdainfully they called it fake. ‘Ah, you guys are nothing but phonies.’ I once cornered a guy against a wall in a bathroom, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him off the ground. To drive my point home, I slapped him hard and asked, ‘Was that fake, fool?’ If someone called it fake in a too cocky manner, they would face the consequences.”

On whether he’d have reacted to an interviewer who dismissed wrestling as fake: “Absolutely, if someone demeaned the sport in a disrespectful manner. I would not hesitate to retaliate… We’re discussing the profession I was part of, and an unpardonable attack. There are plenty of viewers who understand wrestling is a form of entertainment and they appreciate and respect our performances.”

On the possibility of backstage altercations: “No. I cannot recall any face-to-face altercation with any of my fellow wrestlers. We understood each other. Even if I wasn’t fond of some guys or thought they were dishonest, I simply stayed in my own lane.”