Outcomes from the WWE NXT Live Sebring, FL Show: It was Tony D’Angelo pitted against Eddy Thorpe.

Outcomes from the WWE NXT Live Sebring, FL Show: It was Tony D’Angelo pitted against Eddy Thorpe.
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WWE hosted a thrilling NXT live event on a Saturday evening in the heart of Sebring, FL. The following is a rundown of the results, with appreciation to WrestlingBodySlam.com:

In the spotlight event of the night, NXT Heritage Cup Champion Tony D’Angelo emerged victorious over Eddy Thorpe.

In a high-energy face-off, Jazmyn Nyx triumphed over Brinley Reece.

In a multi-tag team match, The Family – formed by Channing Lorenzo, Luca Crusifino, and Adriana Rizzo – defeated the trio of Uriah Connors, Anthony Luke, and Arianna Grace.

In a tag team match, Hank Walker and Tank Ledger overpowered BJ Ray and Kale Dixon.

In a triple-tag team battle, the team of Andre Chase, Duke Hudson & Ridge Holland outshone the trio of Myles Borne, Charlie Dempsey, and Tavion Heights.

In an intense one-on-one, Stevie Turner outwrestled Wren Sinclair.

Combining forces, Malik Blade and Edris Enofe defeated Vincent Winey and his unidentified partner.

In a impressive match, Dante Chen earned the win over Drake Morreaux.

The team of Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright dominated the ring against a pair of fresh faces.

Kicking off the event, Je’Von Evans scored a victory against Skyler Clinton.