On a recent edition of the “True Heel Heat” podcast, Marty Jannetty shared his thoughts on the special episode of Dark Side of the Ring that encircled his career.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
On his DSOTR episode being mostly positive: “For the most part, everything was pretty positive. There was a couple of people who were like ‘Who’s that Ozzy Osbourne looking girl sitting there obviously lying?’ She [Karen Walker] didn’t mean to, she has got some brain damage. Outside of that, but it was hilarious to me too, she was saying, ‘Shawn pushed Marty out of the hotel window and he went through the window and he climbed back in,’ and we was on the fourth floor. Ain’t nobody falling out of the damn fourth floor. ‘He crawled back in and jumps on Shawn,’ she was saying it like she was there, she was never there. She lives in St. Louis, it was in Denver and of course everybody knows that.”
On his issue with the episode: “Then she had talked about a pill bottle spread on the floor that I was supposedly passed out over the pill bottle and Snuka and Shawn came and picked me up. The boys were like, ‘Nah that ain’t true, Snuka didn’t like Shawn. He wouldn’t be hanging out with him.’ Then she had the nerve to say, ’99% of what comes out of Marty’s mouth is not true.’ Well she still got me beat me, 100% of what she said is not true. She’s delusional, she was telling these stories like she was really there. She wasn’t, but in her mind she was, so can’t get mad at her. She was born that way.”
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Marty Jannetty, a former professional wrestler, recently shared his thoughts on the special episode of Dark Side of the Ring that focused on his career. In a podcast interview on the True Heel Heat podcast, Jannetty discussed his reaction to the episode and addressed some of the claims made by one of the interviewees, Karen Walker.
Jannetty expressed that overall, he felt the episode was mostly positive. However, he did take issue with some of the statements made by Walker. He mentioned that some viewers questioned her credibility, describing her as an “Ozzy Osbourne looking girl” who appeared to be lying. Jannetty clarified that Walker unintentionally made false claims due to her brain damage.
One of the claims made by Walker was that Jannetty was pushed out of a hotel window by his former tag team partner, Shawn Michaels, and miraculously climbed back in. Jannetty found this story amusing and debunked it by pointing out that it would be highly unlikely for someone to survive falling from a fourth-floor window. He also emphasized that Walker was not present during the incident as she lived in St. Louis while it occurred in Denver.
Another claim made by Walker involved Jannetty being passed out over a pill bottle on the floor, with Jimmy Snuka and Shawn Michaels coming to his aid. Jannetty disputed this claim, stating that the other wrestlers denied its accuracy. He also criticized Walker for stating that 99% of what he says is untrue, while asserting that 100% of what she said is false. Jannetty attributed her delusional storytelling to her own perception and acknowledged that she genuinely believed she was present during these events.
The podcast episode also included a video link to Marty Jannetty’s reaction to the Dark Side of the Ring episode. In the video, Jannetty further discusses his thoughts and feelings about the documentary.
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In conclusion, Marty Jannetty’s recent interview on the True Heel Heat podcast shed light on his perspective regarding the Dark Side of the Ring episode that focused on his career. Jannetty addressed some of the claims made by Karen Walker, highlighting their inaccuracy and attributing them to her delusions. Wrestling enthusiasts can find more information and stay updated on the latest news through eWrestlingNews.com and their social media platforms.