Unlikelihood of Fanbase Crossover Between WWE and UFC, According to Matt Hardy

Unlikelihood of Fanbase Crossover Between WWE and UFC, According to Matt Hardy
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On a recent edition of his “The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy” podcast, Matt Hardy discussed the WWE-UFC merger, the potential outcome and developments in the immediate future, and the possibility of audience overlap for WWE and UFC.

The UFC and WWE merger became official this past Tuesday with the launch of TKO Group Holdings.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On the transition for WWE as a member of a larger entity: “Dude, VKM, Vince McMahon had a hell of a run. You can’t deny that. It’s so appropriate, knowing and working as closely as I did with Vince in the past over so many years, the fact that he ended up selling the company and leaving on top, where no one will ever get the opportunity to make World Wrestling Federation, as far as an individual sole owner, better than him was just appropro for him. It really is. Very fitting. So the Endeavor thing is official, the merger has gone through. It’s gonna be so interesting, and I’m so curious of how it’s gonna work in conjunction working hand-in-hand with UFC and what they’re gonna do and what the changes are gonna be that come to the forefront. It’s gonna be a really interesting time in WWE.”

On if the brands will share audiences: “I don’t think you’re gonna have a lot of UFC mixed martial arts, shoot fighting fans really just jump other to wrestling because it’s also owned by the same company that owns UFC. I think people that enjoy the pageantry and the fantastical world of pro wrestling aren’t necessarily gonna jump to UFC, although I do think they’re both such unique, extreme sports and entertainment. I think there will be some great promotion you can do with them both together. I don’t know if fans of specifically pro wrestling or fans specifically of mixed martial arts are going to cross over and love the other brand just because now they’re under the same roof.”

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The recent merger between the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) and WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) has sparked a lot of interest and speculation among fans and industry insiders. In a recent episode of his podcast, “The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy,” former WWE superstar Matt Hardy discussed the potential outcomes and developments of this merger, as well as the possibility of audience overlap between the two sports entertainment giants.

The merger became official with the launch of TKO Group Holdings, a new entity that will oversee both UFC and WWE. This move has raised questions about how the two brands will coexist and what changes may be in store for both organizations.

Hardy expressed his admiration for Vince McMahon, the long-time owner of WWE, and his decision to sell the company and leave on top. He believes that it is fitting for McMahon to step down as the sole owner and allow a larger entity like Endeavor to take over. Hardy is curious to see how WWE will work in conjunction with UFC and what changes will come to the forefront as a result of this merger.

One of the key questions surrounding this merger is whether the brands will share audiences. Hardy believes that while there may be some crossover between fans of pro wrestling and mixed martial arts, it is unlikely that there will be a significant shift in fanbase from one sport to the other simply because they are now under the same ownership. He acknowledges that both WWE and UFC offer unique forms of entertainment, but he doesn’t expect fans to automatically gravitate towards one brand just because they are owned by the same company.

However, Hardy does see potential for great promotion and collaboration between the two brands. Both WWE and UFC have passionate fan bases, and there may be opportunities to create exciting crossover events or storylines that appeal to fans of both sports. This could help to expand the reach and popularity of both organizations.

As fans eagerly await further developments and announcements regarding this merger, it is clear that the landscape of sports entertainment is set to change. The collaboration between WWE and UFC has the potential to create new and exciting opportunities for both brands, as well as for the fans who support them.

In the meantime, fans can stay updated on all the latest wrestling news by visiting eWrestlingNews.com or following their Twitter and Facebook pages. The future of WWE and UFC under the TKO Group Holdings merger is sure to be an interesting and transformative time for both organizations and their loyal fan bases.