World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) star, Brock Lesnar last stepped into the ring at the WWE SummerSlam event in the year 2023, a match which he lost to his competitor Cody Rhodes.
The current whereabouts of Lesnar within the organization are at this time, indeterminate. Following a lawsuit centered around sex trafficking leveled by Janel Grant against John Laurinaitis, Vince McMahon, and WWE, Lesnar was named and consequently, WWE made the decision to separate from The Beast Incarnate.
In the aftermath, WWE chose to exclude Lesnar from their upcoming events, including 2024’s Royal Rumble, the French Elimination Chamber, and WrestleMania 40. It was eventually revealed that WWE’s legal unit hadn’t approved Lesnar’s return, making it clear that his comeback would depend on the judicial matters being resolved.
From January 2025 onwards, WWE’s Monday Night RAW will be available for viewing on the popular streaming platform Netflix, representing the first occasion that RAW will not broadcast new episodes on traditional TV networks.
Notable wrestling stars, for example John Cena, Cody Rhodes, Roman Reigns, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson are all scheduled to be involved in building up for WrestleMania 41, which is also set to be streamed on Netflix.
Nevertheless, the involvement of Lesnar in this occasion is still ambiguous as the resolution of the ongoing legal issues could interfere with his potential appearance on Netflix.
The report declared, “WWE’s transition to Netflix appears to be going smoothly as Johnson will return for WrestleMania, along with Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns. Similarly, Cena is also scheduled to be back. The only uncertainty amongst the stars of this era is Lesnar, whose involvement depends on the legal matters. An additional question is the Undertaker, who probably won’t wrestle, but is likely to feature at some point during the early Netflix episodes.”
Despite Lesnar’s almost certain future inclusion into the esteemed WWE Hall of Fame, his relation to Grant’s lawsuit could impede his chances.