The Company Parts Ways with Yet Another High-ranking WWE Official

The Company Parts Ways with Yet Another High-ranking WWE Official
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In an earlier eWn report, we announced that Michael Levin, who was the Vice President of International Events and handler of Emerging Markets for WWE, no longer holds a position in the company. Levin was a significant part of the WWE for an impressive period of more than seven years, while his main operations were carried out from the London office.

Reportedly, the emergence of the TKO merger led to the necessity of Levin’s departure, as it effectively made his position redundant.

Notably, Steve Rubin, who held the role of Senior Director in TV Event Relations, also finds himself out of the company after an incredible 26-year journey. Rubin started as a humble production assistant and eventually climbed the corporate ladder to the position where he ultimately ended his WWE tenure.

WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair, greatly disappointed by the news of Rubin’s release, shared his thoughts:

“In all my professional experience, I’ve not seen a worse decision than letting go of a man as benevolent and decent as Steve Rubin. He accommodated everyone, including my family, my friends, and me. My heart goes out to you Steve Rubin! I’m genuinely sorry!”