Bryan Danielson Shares His Plans for Life After Retirement

Bryan Danielson Shares His Plans for Life After Retirement
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In a recent conversation with KLAX-TV, Bryan Danielson shed light on his aspirations to play a more prominent role within his local community following his retirement from professional wrestling. Danielson said:

“Absolutely, I’m excited about the possibilities. Life is full of varied paths to explore and engaging activities to take part in, wouldn’t you agree? However, my primary focus is figuring out how I can contribute in a meaningful way. How can I provide value to my local community? How can I positively influence the educational system my children are part of? These areas of service are what I’m eager to shift my attention to when I step away from wrestling.”

When probed about the legacy he hopes to pass on to his admirers within the wrestling world, Danielson confessed: “Indeed, it’s a overwhelming feeling and also instills a sense of obligation. Like, what kind of legacy am I leaving for the coming generation? The hope is to pass on not only positive characteristics showcased in your wrestling style, but also, just as important, your behaviour backstage, how you interact with others and overall conduct. I believe that’s extremely crucial.“