Scott Steiner’s Infamous Math Promo Gets Verified By Harvard Professor

Scott Steiner’s Infamous Math Promo Gets Verified By Harvard Professor
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In a recent episode of the “Insight” podcast, WWE Hall of Fame inductee Scott Steiner took a look back at his famous math promo delivering during his time with TNA Wrestling. Some standout moments from the discussion are highlighted below.

Discussing the evolution of his entrance siren, Steiner said, “It was a collaborative effort between myself and one of my wife’s friends from back in Buffalo or Rochester, Ben Zeblin. Ben was into music then and continues to be involved in the New York music scene even now. We figured out the entrance music together which is why I still use it since I own its rights.”

Regarding the notoriously popular Steiner Math promo, he mentioned, “No, it just came out of the blue. Approximately an hour prior to the interview, I saw the information and started contemplating on it. Being a graduate from a highly acknowledged university, the math made perfect sense to me. There’s even a mention of a Harvard professor, who claims to have verified it. Of course, we all know that anything you read on Twitter is completely accurate, right? If he says that the numbers add up, who am I to argue? I welcome that Twitter confirmation.”

Below is the video link of Scott Steiner’s math promo:

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