Vince Russo Suggests that WWE Possibly Oversighted Wyatt Sicks’ Potential

Vince Russo Suggests that WWE Possibly Oversighted Wyatt Sicks’ Potential
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WWE’s newly launched Wyatt Sicks group might have been a significant blunder following its RAW debut, suggests former WWE scriptwriter Vince Russo.

The latest addition to WWE, Wyatt Sicks, made a late appearance on the show and is made up of members Uncle Howdy, Nikki Cross, Joe Gacy, Dexter Lumis, and Erick Rowan.

During a recent episode of the “Legion of RAW” podcast, Russo voiced his concerns regarding the ominous new group. In his words:

“I acknowledge their efforts to keep the spirit of Bray Wyatt alive, which I commend them for. If, however, this sooner or later fails, this could potentially be the greatest flop in WWE’s history, on par with the Gobbledy Gooker fiasco.

“I’m unsure of the direction this is heading. They’ll ambush people in the back for a few weeks, it’ll be grim and whatnot. Following that, what’s next? Will Birdman be challenged for a fight? What’s the move here, man?”

Having had a hand in the formation of the Ministry during the Attitude Era, Russo knows a thing or two about dark factions.

Despite Russo’s concerns, WWE has begun selling merchandise for Wyatt Sicks. It is unclear, however, when anyone from the squad will participate in a match.