Vince McMahon’s workspace at WWE Headquarters continues to be uninhabited.

Vince McMahon’s workspace at WWE Headquarters continues to be uninhabited.
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Vince McMahon, a prominent figure in WWE, has left the company in light of a legal case instituted by ex-WWE employee Janel Grant. The lawsuit also implicates the corporation as a whole, and a past high-ranking WWE executive, John Laurinaitis.

The legal suit made weighty claims regarding McMahon’s role in sex trafficking, the non-consentaneous distribution of explicit material of Grant, and additional misconduct.

Agreeing to a petition from the US Attorney’s Office, Grant made the decision to pause the lawsuit while a confidential investigation takes place. The US Attorney for the Southern District of New York is currently undertaking a criminal inquiry regarding the allegations of sexual misconduct and sex trafficking directed towards McMahon.

When wrestling analyst Dave Meltzer was questioned as to whether anyone had taken over McMahon’s office at WWE Headquarters on the Wrestling Observer Radio, he answered in the negative. He emphasized the notorious T-Rex skull, a famous feature of McMahon’s office, was still in its place.

“Nobody”, quoted Meltzer. “The space is vacant, that remains the case even now. The T-Rex skull was there the last time I heard, but I’m not certain. I don’t know if they’ve removed items from the office yet. What I know for sure, they hadn’t assigned the office to another individual till a couple of weeks back.”

Additionally, Tom Carlucci who has been in the employ of Vince McMahon since 1987, revealed during an episode of “The Insiders” podcast, hosted by Conrad Thompson, that McMahon does not have permission to enter the new WWE Headquarters.