“Vince McMahon could potentially be considered the most impressive villain in the realm of wrestling,” according to Jeff Jarrett.

“Vince McMahon could potentially be considered the most impressive villain in the realm of wrestling,” according to Jeff Jarrett.
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Jeff Jarrett, known for his notorious character in the wrestling ring, opines that the badge of the ultimate wrestling antagonist should be awarded to Vince McMahon.

In the aftermath of the infamous Montreal Screwjob, McMahon transformed into an on-camera nemesis and emerged as a key character in the Attitude Era.

During a recent episode of his podcast, “My World”, Jarrett delineated why McMahon might be deserving of the title of the preeminent villain in wrestling. In Jarrett’s words,

“Vince may be the best villain persona in history because of his relatability. Vince personified that role perfectly.”

In January this year, McMahon decided to distance himself from WWE due to a lawsuit by Janel Grant against him and WWE. Moreover, an ongoing federal investigation involving him is underway.

Jarrett, since his entry into AEW, has played the part of a villain. However, his heartfelt involvement in the Owen Hart Men’s Tournament has made the fans throw their support behind the seasoned wrestling star.