Vince McMahon Cancels Arrangements for Celebrated Physician Anthony Fauci to Feature on WWE’s ‘The Bump’

Vince McMahon Cancels Arrangements for Celebrated Physician Anthony Fauci to Feature on WWE’s ‘The Bump’
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Matt Camp, a former WWE talent who served as host of WWE’s ‘The Bump’ before being let go earlier this year, recently discussed on his YouTube show that there were plans for Dr. Anthony Fauci to appear on ‘The Bump’ during the COVID-19 pandemic. These plans, however, were scrapped by former WWE CEO and Chairman Vince McMahon, who is now disgraced.

On his show ‘The Wrestling Matt,’ Camp shared insights about the failed appearance by Fauci, who is revered as a hero for his leadership role in saving countless lives during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Camp discussed the challenge of attracting prominent non-wrestling personalities to the show, including efforts to feature Fauci in an effort to disseminate information about the vaccine. Before the appearance could materialize, conversations took place with the White House and top WWE management, including Stephanie McMahon, who was reportedly in favor of the idea.

Camp further explained the concept was for a round table discussion involving top talent, presenting their experiences during the pandemic and promoting the importance of vaccination. However, the decision needed final approval from Vince McMahon.

Against expectations that McMahon would greenlight the plan, he shot it down, deeming it too political. This marked a rare occasion when McMahon directly intervened in ‘The Bump’ and resulted in Fauci joining a list of people who could not feature as guests on the show due to McMahon’s veto.