Update from Behind the Scenes on Dijak’s Departure from WWE

Update from Behind the Scenes on Dijak’s Departure from WWE
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Dijak, a former RAW wrestler, publicly announced via Twitter that his tenure at WWE is drawing to a close as his contract expires tomorrow, stating that WWE did not plan to renew his contract, as per our report last Thursday here on eWn.

Information from Fightful Select highlighted that, subsequent to his WWE Speed match with Xavier Woods, which had been filmed in recent weeks, Dijak was informed by the company that his contract would not be extended.

Insiders suggest that Dijak had a respectable rapport within both WWE and NXT fraternities. A reliable source confirmed that before being elevated to RAW, he was in line for an NXT Championship match. Shawn Michaels, despite having minor creative differences with Dijak in the past, has been reportedly one of his staunch supporters. After moving up to RAW, Dijak’s noticeable lack of regularcy hinted at his uncertain future. He claims he sensed something off when he didn’t feature in the plans for the initial weeks.

Reports also claim that Dijak was not part of the TV tapings multiple times following his promotion. His appearances often shuffled between the WWE Main Event and WWE Speed TV tapings and a RAW appearance was never on the cards for him.

Close associates of Dijak revealed that although there had been preliminary positive discussions, the WWE did not reinitiate contact until the news of his contract not being renewed was delivered to him.

Interest in Dijak, within and outside the wrestling circle, is growing. It is expected that he will be approached by at least two organizations for potential appearances.

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