The Undertaker Reveals the Behind-the-Scenes Process for his WWE WrestleMania 40 Show-Up

The Undertaker Reveals the Behind-the-Scenes Process for his WWE WrestleMania 40 Show-Up
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At WWE WrestleMania 40 (Night Two) during the match between Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes, The Undertaker unexpectedly interfered, taking out The Rock who came to assist his cousin.

In a subsequent interview on the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, The Undertaker opened up about the incident and the sequence of events leading up to it.

The key takeaways from the podcast episode are outlined below:

The initial call from Triple H: “After returning home from an errand, I received a call from ‘Triple H,’ also known as Paul Levesque. He threw the idea of me getting involved in the match, a setup kind of like the Matte finish of the old days. Intrigued, I agreed but asked if everyone involved was comfortable with the idea. I didn’t want to overshadow the storyline built meticulously over two years. Once confirmed they were onboard, I was all in. Paul asked for reassurance and got it. I just didn’t want to distract the storyline. No hard feelings if backed out, as I had enough responsibilities during ‘Mania”.

Paul Heyman’s text before his live show: “In the following days, I had heard nothing. I, along with my family, headed to Philadelphia. It was Thursday evening and I was preparing for my OneDeadMan show, I hadn’t received any updates in days. So, I texted Michael Hayes for an update. He responded explaining a later meeting and promised to keep me posted. As I was about to go live for OneDeadMan, a text from Heyman notification popped up.”

His initial unwillingness to respond: “I chose to ignore it since I had the initial 45 minutes of the show scripted and implanted in my mind. I wasn’t going to get sidetracked by a call from Paul Heyman. However, Heyman texted someone else to get in touch with me. I refused to pay any heed, however, we crossed paths on Friday where nothing much was discussed. As Saturday approached, it started to feel real. I was asked to arrive at a certain time for further discussion. By Sunday, I was enjoying the match from the suite with my family when I was asked to meet downstairs in 20 minutes. Upon reaching, the entire scheme was laid out. That’s the entire story of how it transpired.”