The Undertaker has revealed that he got heat from some within the veteran community because he inducted Muhammad Ali into WWE’s Hall of Fame.
The legendary boxer was posthumously inducted into the Hall of Fame by the Phenom on the eve of WrestleMania 40 earlier this month.
On a recent edition of his “Six Feet Under” podcast, The Undertaker revealed that he earned ‘heat’ due to Ali’s stance against the Vietnam war. He said,
“I got a little heat from part of the veteran community. Muhammad Ali refused to go into [military service]. He didn’t want to go to Vietnam. He didn’t see why [he should] go 6,000 miles from home and fight somebody he had no [problem with].
“It was like, ‘I thought Undertaker was a patriot.’ Man, kiss my patriot ass.”
As for the speech, The Undertaker felt that Ali’s induction was too late into the Hall of Fame ceremony resulting in fans who’d attended SmackDown being very tired.
The Undertaker, one of the most iconic figures in professional wrestling, recently revealed that he faced criticism from some within the veteran community for inducting Muhammad Ali into WWE’s Hall of Fame. The legendary boxer was posthumously honored by The Undertaker on the eve of WrestleMania 40 earlier this month.
During an episode of his podcast, “Six Feet Under,” The Undertaker shared that he received “heat” due to Ali’s stance against the Vietnam War. Ali famously refused to serve in the military, citing his opposition to the war and his belief that he should not be forced to fight someone he had no personal issues with.
The Undertaker expressed his frustration with the criticism, stating, “I got a little heat from part of the veteran community. Muhammad Ali refused to go into [military service]. He didn’t want to go to Vietnam. He didn’t see why [he should] go 6,000 miles from home and fight somebody he had no [problem with]. It was like, ‘I thought Undertaker was a patriot.’ Man, kiss my patriot ass.”
While The Undertaker stood by his decision to induct Ali into the Hall of Fame, he did express some concerns about the timing of the induction ceremony. He felt that Ali’s induction came too late into the event, resulting in tired fans who had attended SmackDown earlier in the evening.
The Undertaker’s comments shed light on the complexities surrounding public figures and their personal beliefs. Ali’s refusal to serve in the military was a highly controversial decision at the time, and it continues to be a topic of discussion and debate. However, it is important to recognize that individuals can hold different opinions and still be respected for their contributions in other areas.
Ali’s impact on both boxing and society as a whole cannot be denied. He was not only an exceptional athlete but also a prominent civil rights activist who used his platform to advocate for equality and justice. His induction into WWE’s Hall of Fame was a testament to his enduring legacy and his influence on popular culture.
The Undertaker’s involvement in the induction ceremony highlights the intersection of sports and entertainment. As a professional wrestler, he has become a larger-than-life figure in the world of sports entertainment. By inducting Ali into the Hall of Fame, The Undertaker bridged the gap between two different realms of athleticism, paying tribute to a legendary boxer and his impact on the world of sports.
In conclusion, The Undertaker’s revelation about facing criticism for inducting Muhammad Ali into WWE’s Hall of Fame sheds light on the complexities of public figures and their personal beliefs. While Ali’s refusal to serve in the military was controversial, his contributions to boxing and society as a whole cannot be overlooked. The Undertaker’s involvement in the induction ceremony highlights the intersection of sports and entertainment, showcasing the respect and admiration for Ali’s enduring legacy.