The story arc involving counterfeit versions of Razor Ramon and Diesel were programmed by Vince McMahon, according to Jake Roberts.

The story arc involving counterfeit versions of Razor Ramon and Diesel were programmed by Vince McMahon, according to Jake Roberts.
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In a recent episode of his podcast ‘The Snake Pit’, WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts dished some insider information about the WWE’s controversial Razor Ramon and Diesel storyline. Here’s what he had to say:

When talking about the questionable decision to have the fake Razor Ramon & Diesel storyline, Roberts sternly stated, “I did not book that st! It was entirely Vince [McMahon]’s call. Doesn’t it seem counterintuitive to spotlight a problem? All it does, in my opinion, is keep those characters fresh in people’s minds, which probably arouses curiosity about their actual whereabouts. So what happens next? They switch channels to seek them out. Yes, I believe it was an ill-advised decision – plain and simple – and Vince is to blame.”

Further on in the podcast, Roberts discussed how the WWE misutilised Jim Nord by casting him in the role of a Viking: “I just can’t fathom why. Such a talent squandering opportunity. He had all the makings of a superstar. Yes, absolutely.”

The entire episode of “The Snake Pit” can be watched below:

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