The Bump Team wished that Vince McMahon would remain steadfast in his decision, according to Matt Camp.

The Bump Team wished that Vince McMahon would remain steadfast in his decision, according to Matt Camp.
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On his own Youtube channel, Matt Camp recapped his experiences recording WWE’s ‘The Bump’ amidst the coronavirus crisis. He disclosed that, in anticipation of pay-per-view events, the team had to film the show early which put them on edge as WWE Boss Vince McMahon was famous for his frequent change of plans.

In recounting the experience, Camp stated,

“When we had to film the episodes corresponding to the pay-per-view events that would be broadcasted prior to the show, we would record them on Fridays, perhaps coordinating with a draft or two of SmackDown. However, they would not get aired until Sunday. The dilemma was hoping that Vince [McMahon] would not have a change of heart based on what we knew was supposed to occur during SmackDown. They seldom let us in on much, and so what I had to do on numerous occasions was that upon the end of SmackDown on Friday night, I would realize, ‘Oh, we mentioned this and this. These parts need to be removed.’ In a temporary VO [voice over] booth, I would have to sit and redo stuff we had discussed on the show, and they would layer it with B-roll footages. This demonstrated the immense effort our team had to put in to put this together, as Vince was unpredictable.”

Below is a YouTube video titled “WWE BACKSTAGE POLITICS: How McMahon & Dunn pitted digital & TV AGAINST each other!!”. It provides a detailed account of the politics happening behind the scenes in WWE, as well as McMahon’s unpredictability that greatly affected the team’s efforts in filming ‘The Bump’. It’s embedded for your viewing pleasure.