Response to Dijak Leaving WWE Elicits Backstage Reactions

Response to Dijak Leaving WWE Elicits Backstage Reactions
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On Thursday, June 27, Dijak revealed that his tenure with WWE is concluding today, as there have been no talks about extending his contract from the organization. Dijak was notified about this resolution after his WWE speed match with Xavier Woods, which occurred within the past fortnight, reports Fightful Select.

The precise timing of the resolution not to extend his contract remains a mystery. In a conversation with the media outlet, Dijak suggested that WWE had been considering letting his contract run its course for a while.

There are reports that Dijak was a highly respected figure, lauded by the firm’s executives. NXT’s Chief of Creative, Shawn Michaels, was a staunch supporter of Dijak, despite some minor contentions around creative differences in the past.

Dijak disclosed that it was Michaels who personally welcomed him back to the NXT brand, implying Dijak would travel for training from his home in New Hampshire.

The rationale for Dijak not being a regular feature on the principal roster, despite being popular among his colleagues, remains uncertain.

Dijak admitted that circumstances altered for him when he was left out of the WWE RAW planning after his shift to the upper echelons of the roster.

Dijak was noticeably missing from RAW events for long stretches, with his contribution often confined to Main Event and Speed tapings, lacking a fixed schedule for his RAW appearances. There were no formed creative plans set for him on his promotion to RAW.

One source reports that initial talks were promising before formal negotiations commenced. However, these discussions came to a halt, and there was no further interaction until Dijak was informed about the decision not to extend his contract.

Many individuals were taken aback by the fact that there were no negotiations with Dijak. One ex-WWE talent commented that, twenty years ago, Dijak “would have had a job till his legs fell off.”