Penta El Zero Miedo is Open to the Possibility of Joining WWE once His AEW Contract Ends.

Penta El Zero Miedo is Open to the Possibility of Joining WWE once His AEW Contract Ends.
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As the contract expiration date of a top AEW star looms, competition for his engagement is expected to heighten.

The wrestler in question is Penta El Zero Miedo, whose contract is due to wrap up between August and September 2024. The accomplished Luchador has enjoyed significant success in AEW, particularly in teaming up with Rey Fenix as part of the Lucha Bros.

Over his career, Penta has made notable contributions to several promotions, including AAA, MLW, TNA Impact, CMLL, and Lucha Underground. At 39, the accomplished wrestler can proudly claim to being a former TNA World Champion once and a two-time Lucha Underground Champion.

Stimulated by The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, rumors are circulating about Penta’s potential move from AEW, with WWE considered a potential destination.

Tony Khan, the President of AEW, has stood firm on his belief of keeping Penta within his promotion. In a recent interaction with the media, Penta asserted that he hasn’t entered any dialogue with WWE. This proclamation is in alignment with the laws preventing contract tampering. Officially, WWE can only reach out to Penta for any contract negotiations post his AEW contract termination.

However, Penta has shown readiness to consider other choices, emphasizing the criticality of this impending contract decision as it might be the last significant deal of his wrestling career.