Montez Ford Provides Insight into the Shortened Duration of The Pride’s Heel Run

Montez Ford Provides Insight into the Shortened Duration of The Pride’s Heel Run
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On a recent edition of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, Montez Ford explained why The Pride suddenly turned babyface despite a promising heel run.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On the aborted heel turn: “A couple of months ago, we were trying to … make the fans not like us. They just [said], ‘Nah, we’re not having it.’”

On deciding to back off the turn: “When the fans are passionate about something, when they want something, when they demand it, for the most part, they’re so intent with it. You know that passion is real because it comes from the heart. They have every right to feel that way.”

In the world of professional wrestling, character turns are a common occurrence. Wrestlers often switch from being a fan favorite (babyface) to a villain (heel) or vice versa to keep storylines fresh and engage the audience. However, sometimes these turns don’t go as planned, and that was the case for The Pride.

On a recent episode of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, Montez Ford shed some light on why The Pride’s heel turn was abruptly abandoned, leading to their sudden transformation into fan favorites. Ford explained that a few months ago, they attempted to make the fans dislike them, but it didn’t go as expected.

“A couple of months ago, we were trying to… make the fans not like us. They just [said], ‘Nah, we’re not having it,'” Ford revealed during the podcast. It seems that despite their efforts to portray themselves as villains, the audience didn’t respond in the desired way. The fans’ rejection of The Pride’s heel turn forced them to reevaluate their approach.

Realizing the passion and genuine emotions of the fans, The Pride made the decision to back off from their planned heel turn. “When the fans are passionate about something, when they want something, when they demand it, for the most part, they’re so intent with it,” Ford explained. “You know that passion is real because it comes from the heart. They have every right to feel that way.”

This acknowledgment of the fans’ desires and their right to express them is a refreshing perspective in the world of professional wrestling. It shows that wrestlers like The Pride are not only performers but also individuals who understand and respect their audience.

The decision to turn The Pride into babyfaces was likely a smart move. By listening to the fans and adapting their characters accordingly, The Pride has shown that they value their supporters and want to give them what they want. This level of fan interaction and responsiveness can help create a stronger connection between wrestlers and their audience.

In the world of professional wrestling, the fans’ reactions play a crucial role in shaping storylines and character development. The Pride’s experience serves as a reminder that sometimes, despite careful planning and execution, things don’t always go as expected. However, by being open to change and listening to the fans, wrestlers can adapt and create more engaging and satisfying experiences for everyone involved.

As The Pride continues their journey as babyfaces, it will be interesting to see how their characters evolve and how the fans respond to their new personas. This unexpected turn of events has added an element of unpredictability to their storylines, making them even more intriguing to watch.

In conclusion, The Pride’s sudden babyface turn serves as a reminder of the importance of fan feedback in professional wrestling. By recognizing the passion and desires of the audience, wrestlers can make informed decisions about their characters and storylines. The Pride’s willingness to listen to the fans and adapt their approach demonstrates their commitment to creating an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.