Former WWE star, Maven has opened up about the most distressing injury he sustained during his wrestling career.
In a recent YouTube video, the ex-WWE wrestler recounted his injuries, the most tormenting of which occurred when he injured his knee on the apron whilst attempting to rescue Nidia from Tyson Tomko on WWE Heat.
Here are some key points from the video:
Injury details: “So, the scenario was me rushing down into the ring, warding off Tomko so as to protect my Tough Enough co-winner, and emerging triumphantly. But where did the injury transpire? In my rush to assist Nidia, I was supposed to use my momentum to duck under Tomko’s fist punch. To achieve this, I needed to sprint at full speed, which I did. The setback occurred as I tried to slide into the ring, my knee hit directly against the iron beam, causing immense pain.”
On the injury’s aftermath:: “I experienced intense pain which would have made me scream and possibly breakdown in tears, had I been alone. But as we were in an arena full of spectators, I had to mask my pain. On close inspection, it’s clear that I’m limping to avoid exerting pressure on the injured knee. What is not visible is the extreme distress I was in. The only aspect that kept me going was knowing that once I was backstage, my suffering would end, but that was far from the reality of my ordeal.”
Residual effects of the injury: “Even today, I can’t climb stairs, applying complete pressure on that knee as it occasionally fails me. I am not certain about the exact damages suffered that day. It didn’t halt my wrestling engagements, and I even had a match the next day, but the pain was unforgettable. I can still recall standing in the ring, receiving applause from thousands of spectators, none of whom knew the extent of the pain I was in at that moment.”