Legal Challenges are being faced for WWE’s ‘Big Time Becks’ Trademark, Legal Processes still in Progress.

Legal Challenges are being faced for WWE’s ‘Big Time Becks’ Trademark, Legal Processes still in Progress.
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Wrestling company WWE is embroiled in a legal battle over the filed trademark “Big Time Becks”, which has encountered opposition. The term, associated with professional wrestler Becky Lynch, was applied for trademark in September 2021 but the proceedings have been fraught with disputes.

The US Patent and Trademark Office site’s recent filing divulged that a discovery conference regarding the argument was mandated in March of the current year. Parties to the dispute were advised to utilize the Accelerated Case Resolution process.

The official filing, accessible below, details the ongoing dialogues and past interactions between the applicant (WWE) and the opposer:

The applicant has acknowledged the opposer’s “Bigtime” Trademark since 2006 when they were ordered by the opposer via his attorney to send a cease and desist due to suspected infringement. Despite repeated correspondences culminating in the offer of a monetary settlement by the applicant’s attorney Lauren Middlen-Dienes, the conflict was not resolved.

The unfurling saga has continued since September 22, 2021, barely nine days after filing a trademark application for “Big Time Becks”. After seemingly exhausting dialogues with the opposer’s attorneys, the applicant sought legal counsel from the Law Firm of K & L Gates and supporting Attorney Christopher Verdini in response to the cease and desist order. Notably, they were informed, through written correspondence, that the ongoing use of the “Big Time Becks” trademark could be taken as willful and intentional infringement considering their awareness of the opposer’s rights.

Significantly, there has been no communication from the applicant’s attorney since March 2022. The opposer pressed on, filing two separate letters of protest along with a 90-day extension of time to oppose the applicant’s application. Eventually, an opposition proceedings was initiated in November 2023, underscoring the seriousness of the ongoing dispute.

The filing also ventures into the business structure and efficiency of the applicant, stating that the entity, being a part of a multi-billion dollar corporation, should have a robust legal department capable of efficiently managing such affairs. The importance of handling this case is elevated, given that the approval of this application could yield tens of millions of dollars in merchandising earnings alone.

The filing ended on a stinging note criticising the applicant’s disposition towards the entire affair, labeling it as “disingenuous, deceitful”, and reflecting “gross neglect”.