Lance Archer Confirms Jake Roberts’ Readiness to Compete in One Final Wrestling Match.

Lance Archer Confirms Jake Roberts’ Readiness to Compete in One Final Wrestling Match.
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In a recent episode of “The Snake Pit” podcast, Lance Archer shared various insights, one being the valuable lessons he learned from his mentor, Jake “The Snake” Roberts.

Some highlights from the conversation featured Archer talking about his experience transitioning back to American wrestling from Japan. As a wrestler who had spent nine years in New Japan Pro Wrestling, Archer states that Jake Roberts was instrumental in establishing his credibility among fans who weren’t familiar with his character, the Murderhawk Monster. Although hardcore wrestling fans knew who he was, others may not have recognized him from his brief stint with WWE or his five years in TNA.

Archer values that working with Jake Roberts helped refine his skills when it comes to speaking as the Murderhawk Monster. During the AEW Darks in Jacksonville, Archer asked for opportunities to speak to fans instead of only participating in matches. Subsequently, these speaking opportunities led to unique moments where Archer and Roberts could engage directly with fans. Roberts coached him on how to add inflection, emotion, and various characteristics when speaking to make his character more multidimensional.

Archer also touched on the prospect of Jake Roberts participating in future matches. He believes that despite being aware of his limitations, Jake would stand up to the task if asked. This speculation is only hypothetical, but Archer recognizes that fans often hope to see legends like Jake back in the ring for one final opportunity.

Here’s the link to the “The Snake Pit” episode featuring Archer and his insights: The Snake Pit Ep.78