Jonathan Coachman Rebukes The Wyatt Six and Dominik Mysterio for Violating Wrestling’s Illusion

Jonathan Coachman Rebukes The Wyatt Six and Dominik Mysterio for Violating Wrestling’s Illusion
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In a recent episode of “Busted Open Radio,” ex-WWE broadcaster Jonathan Coachman expressed his displeasure over the Wyatt Sicks team and Dominik Mysterio for shattering the illusion of kayfabe.

Previously, a wrestling fan shared on social media a picture of the Wyatt Sicks group having a meal at Whataburger just a few hours after their premiere on RAW.

Here are some notable excerpts from the podcast discussion:

Jonathan Coachman on Wyatt Sicks traveling together: “Initially, why are all six of you congregating in the same spot? Travel separately. Ensure that when you arrive at a hotel, you aren’t seen together… Submerge into the persona everybody longs to portray once in professional wrestling. If you land one hit gimmick, glance at any major star. That one gimmick comes along, suddenly, you’re Stone Cold or Taker. But why would you want to spoil that after the first night?”

Jonathan Coachman on Dominik Mysterio sharing wedding photos: “I was mulling over that with Dominik. You have all these narrative threads about how he can’t resist Liv. Liv’s so seductive, so potentially sexual scenario, and you’re building up to it. Then you share photos of your real-life wedding with your spouse? It completely boggles my mind. I would certainly never do it.”

One user pointed out: “[Kayfabe breaking] Wyatt Sicks seen at Whataburger post RAW by u/R0DAN inSquaredCircle”

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