On a recent edition of his “The Snake Pit” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts discussed getting used to bumping, his kids wanting to pursue wrestling, and more.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
On whether he would’ve been supportive if his kids wanted to get into wrestling: “I would be supportive, but I would take the hardline approach to it. Explain what you have to sacrifice, because I don’t think anybody realizes how much you have to sacrifice. Once you get into this business, it’s not something that you can do, you know, three hours a day and then put it in the closet and forget about it for the day. It doesn’t work like that. You’ve got to be on top of it 24/7, seven days a week, man. It’s got to be nothing but wrestling.”
On wrestling cardio being a different kind of cardio: “Absolutely, man, because of the bumps, you know. Taking a bump and getting back to your feet real quick. That first bump is a real experience. Kind of a wake-up call.”
On how quickly ring rust sets in: “I’d say four or five days, that’s it. You’re gonna lose something every day.”
On hitting the ropes for the first time: “Oh my God, hitting the ropes, brother? It tears your lats all to hell. The first time I did it, I was black, blue, green, purple. Green is a strange color to see on your body.”
Wrestling Legend Jake Roberts Talks About the Challenges of the Sport
In a recent episode of his podcast “The Snake Pit,” WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts opened up about his experiences in professional wrestling. He discussed various aspects of the sport, including the physical demands, the sacrifices required, and his thoughts on his children pursuing a career in wrestling.
When asked about whether he would support his kids if they wanted to get into wrestling, Roberts expressed his willingness to be supportive. However, he also emphasized the importance of understanding the sacrifices involved. He explained that wrestling is not a part-time endeavor; it requires a full-time commitment. Wrestlers have to be dedicated to their craft 24/7, 365 days a year.
Roberts went on to discuss the physical toll that wrestling takes on the body. He highlighted the unique cardio requirements of the sport, stating that it is different from traditional forms of cardio exercise. The constant bumps and falls in the ring demand a different kind of endurance. Roberts described taking a bump as a wake-up call, as it can be a jarring experience for newcomers.
One interesting insight Roberts shared was how quickly ring rust sets in. Ring rust refers to the decline in skills and conditioning that occurs when a wrestler has been away from the ring for an extended period. According to Roberts, it only takes about four or five days for a wrestler to start losing their edge. This highlights the need for consistent training and practice to stay at the top of one’s game.
Another topic Roberts touched upon was hitting the ropes. Hitting the ropes involves running towards the ring ropes and bouncing off them to execute various moves. Roberts described the first time he hit the ropes as a painful experience. The impact can cause bruises and soreness, particularly in the lat muscles. He humorously mentioned seeing strange colors like green on his body due to the bruising.
To complement his podcast discussion, Roberts also shared a video clip from his YouTube channel, where he answers fan questions and provides further insights into the world of wrestling.
Overall, Jake Roberts’ podcast episode offers a glimpse into the challenges and realities of professional wrestling. It sheds light on the physical demands, the need for constant dedication, and the sacrifices required to succeed in this demanding industry. As a respected figure in the wrestling community, Roberts’ insights provide valuable information for both aspiring wrestlers and fans of the sport.