GUNTHER Reacts to The Undertaker’s Compliments About His Performance

GUNTHER Reacts to The Undertaker’s Compliments About His Performance
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Since GUNTHER’s introduction to WWE in January 2019, he has been steadily building a career worthy of the Hall of Fame. His exceptional performances have not gone unnoticed, as several revered figures in wrestling have commended his skills and potential.

One significant accolade came from The Undertaker, who noted that GUNTHER’s story-telling ability and performance in the ring demonstrate enormous potential, asserting that the sky’s the limit for him.

GUNTHER responded to this compliment in an interview with Kevin Whittier on the Witty Whittier YouTube channel:

“Obviously, that’s great to hear. As you pointed out, our journey is largely determined by the reaction of the fans. However, for any professional, getting positive feedback from a top-tier colleague or mentor is a different experience altogether. I truly appreciate his kind words. Despite our occasional meet-ups at events like WrestleMania, I value his opinion, especially considering his influential career path. There’s a plausible similarity between our wrestling styles, which might be why he was able to see my potential,”

Following his King of the Ring victory, GUNTHER, the Ring General who transitioned into the King General, would have undoubtedly provided an incredible match-up for The Phenom, had their careers intersected at the right moment. Who knows, had their paths crossed, GUNTHER might have been the one to break The Deadman’s legendary WrestleMania streak. Though these potential encounters remain as fanciful imaginations, witnessing the mutual respect between these two competitors and hearing their thoughts about what could have happened is captivating.

Our thanks goes to Robert DeFelice of Fightful, who transcribed this interview.