Giulia Shares Updates on Her Injury, Engages in Wrist Curl Exercises

Giulia Shares Updates on Her Injury, Engages in Wrist Curl Exercises
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The world of wrestling was taken by surprise as Giulia dazzled on her WWE on-screen debut at the NXT Stand & Deliver event in 2023, a momentous occasion in her career.

Regrettably, the eagerly anticipated WWE NXT in-ring debut of Giulia was put on hold due to a wrist injury she got a month ago.

Importantly, Giulia isn’t letting her setback slow her down as she has already started working out, focusing on wrist curls post her surgery.

Giulia recently took to her Twitter handle, where she shared a picture of herself doing wrist curls, highlighting her remarkable progress during her rehabilitation process.

With steadfast determination she stated, “I am already able to do this. ここまで来たよ”

Giulia’s return to the ring is presently undetermined, leaving her fanbase in anticipation of her WWE NXT in-ring debut.