Further Details on Recent Exits from TNA Wrestling

Further Details on Recent Exits from TNA Wrestling
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In what could be termed as significant changes at TNA Wrestling, Pwinsider revealed last week that the organization saw several departures courtesy of cutbacks by Anthem. Key among the exits was Creative Director David Sahadi, who had served the organization for over 18 years, and the praiseworthy creative leader, producer RD Evans. Other adjustments included significant changes in the live events section and various other exits.

On the matter, Fightful yesterday confirmed additional details, pointing it out that the changes also affected VP of Marketing, Lou D’Angeli (also known as Lou E. Dangerously in ECW), and another undisclosed member of the department.

Sources have informed Sean Ross Sapp that RD Evans chose to quit on his own volition. Interestingly, although he exited WWE amid stormy circumstances after a squabble with Vince McMahon and retorting phrases like “I hope you learned something today,” it is said that Evans was appreciated for handing in his notice beforehand.

In the event of more revelations concerning additional exits from TNA or explicit reasons detailing why these occurred, rest assured we will keep you updated on eWrestlingNews.com.

In the meantime, catch up a glimpse of tonight’s episode of TNA Impact on AXS TV to learn which combat matches have been scheduled for the show.