Cody Rhodes Discusses Brandi’s Potential Involvement in WWE WrestleMania 40

Cody Rhodes Discusses Brandi’s Potential Involvement in WWE WrestleMania 40
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During an appearance on a recent episode of The MMA Hour, Cody Rhodes was asked about Brandi and if she will be involved at WrestleMania 40.

Rhodes will team with World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins against The Rock and Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40 – Night 1 while Rhodes will challenge Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Title on the second night.  He said, 

“I don’t know if involved is the right way to put it. I wouldn’t want her to be in harms way. I do think you will see Brandi at WrestleMania. To me, that will mean a lot. That woman got hugely scapegoated and hugely, just misinformation. Everyone knows who they are that was involved. If ever there was a moment for her to feel like a princess and feel like somebody who did a lot more for us. There are so many people working at AEW who she was the one that said their name. She was the one wanted to keep them in the fold when something went wrong. How she was treated after the departure, this is not by any company, just in general, it pissed me off to this day. She had a great experience last year, she felt that love again. I look forward to that. I could not do this without her.”

In a recent interview on The MMA Hour, Cody Rhodes discussed the involvement of his wife, Brandi, at WrestleMania 40. Rhodes, who will be teaming up with World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins to take on The Rock and Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns on Night 1, will also be challenging Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Title on Night 2.

When asked about Brandi’s role at the event, Rhodes expressed his concern for her safety and clarified that he wouldn’t want her to be in harm’s way. However, he did mention that fans can expect to see her at WrestleMania, and her presence holds significant meaning to him.

Rhodes went on to address the unfair treatment and scapegoating that Brandi has faced in the past. He emphasized that she has been instrumental in supporting many individuals at All Elite Wrestling (AEW), advocating for them and ensuring their continued involvement even when things went wrong. Rhodes expressed his frustration with how she was treated after her departure from a previous company, stating that it still angers him to this day.

Last year, Brandi had a positive experience at WrestleMania and felt the love from the fans. Rhodes eagerly looks forward to her experiencing that again this year. He emphasized that he couldn’t do what he does without her support.

Brandi Rhodes has been an integral part of the wrestling industry, both in front of the camera and behind the scenes. She has served as Chief Brand Officer for AEW and has been involved in various storylines and matches throughout her career. Her presence at WrestleMania 40 will undoubtedly add another layer of excitement for fans.

It is clear that Cody Rhodes holds immense respect and admiration for his wife. He recognizes her contributions to the wrestling community and wants her to feel appreciated and valued at WrestleMania. As fans eagerly await the event, they can anticipate seeing Brandi’s presence and the impact she will have on the overall experience.