CM Punk & Seth Rollins Involved In Heated Exchange, AEW Referenced

CM Punk & Seth Rollins Involved In Heated Exchange, AEW Referenced
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CM Punk & Seth Rollins Involved In Heated Exchange, AEW Referenced

Seth Rollins and CM Punk’s on-air feud reached new levels of intensity during the wrap-up of RAW’s most recent segment.

The concluding part of the program saw Rollins commence by taunting Punk over his abrupt exit from WWE. He sarcastically applauded him for “taking his ball and going home”, and voiced doubts about Punk’s commitment to his wrestling career.

In response, Punk didn’t hold back. He made an impressionable entrance into the ring, reminding Seth about other illustrious WWE Superstars like Steve Austin and Becky Lynch, who like him, had walked away but eventually returned. Punk also made bold assumptions about Seth’s perseverance, hinting at a possible huge payday coming his way the following Monday and Seth becoming his “victim.”

Seth fired back by accusing Punk of disloyalty, claiming he left WWE to join the “competition” (AEW). He also criticized Punk for openly discussing WWE’s internal issues on Colt Cabana’s podcast. His barbs seemingly centered around his stance that Punk’s decisions were instrumental in his apparent lack of success in AEW.

Shooting back, Punk enlightened the spectators about his difficulties with Vince McMahon and WWE, asserting that he’d walked away due to the stressful atmosphere.

The segment witnessed a fierce conclusion when Rollins dubbed Punk as a “cancer” to any locker room. The wrestlers stood eye to eye as the show wrapped up.

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