Bully Ray Uncovers His Choice for Women’s MITB Match Winner, Bron Breakker Discusses His Aspirations in WWE.

Bully Ray Uncovers His Choice for Women’s MITB Match Winner, Bron Breakker Discusses His Aspirations in WWE.
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In the recent episode of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer, Bully Ray, made known his yearning for Chelsea Green to succeed in the upcoming women’s Money in the Bank match for the year.

Take a look at the remarkable moments from the podcast below:

Bully Ray voiced his preference for the winner of the impending 2024 Money in the Bank fight, saying: “My unwavering support goes to Chelsea Green as the potential winner. However, contemplating the possible victor, it may likely be Lyra. Chelsea holding that briefcase signifies pure entertainment…it’s simply genius. Although it might never be a reality. It will either be Tiffany or Lyra bagging the victory.”

When queried on why he believes Green has paved the way to take home the victory, he noted: “Pro Wrestling and the word ‘deserve’ are not in consonance for me, rather, the word ‘earn’ does. The deserving factor doesn’t apply in pro wrestling, you receive what you have labored for. Consequently, I distaste the chant ‘You deserve it!’ Silence, please. To me, Chelsea has merited the opportunity to be accorded more recognition, more TV appearances. Because, just as I’ve maintained, with your support, having Chelsea as the custodian of that championship briefcase, she will give it more value than anyone else ever could. To her, that briefcase would be more cherished even than the Women’s World Championship.”

On another interactive session, this time on “The Masked Man Show,” Bron Breakker shed light on his aspirations in WWE, expressing confidence in his potential to emerge as a top star in the forthcoming years. He said,

“I take this a day at a time and strive to accumulate as many progressive days in succession as possible, the reason being that you are either progressing or regressing. My target is to enhance myself every single day, presenting the best version of myself that the fans have ever witnessed. I owe it to them to give them my maximum performance every single time they see me because I’m new, I’m a rookie. Each time I appear, I see it as an opportunity to introduce myself to an audience who have no idea who I am and may be seeing me for the first time. My mindset is to gain these people’s respect, to prove to them that I am suitable for this, and that I can emerge as a key figure here for an extended period of time. So that’s my mentality being on the main roster. My ambition is to be a leading figure in the future and to be at the helm of the brand.”

Please note that if you have any tips or summaries from podcasts that you’d like to share with us so we could post it (with full credit given to you), feel free to reach us at [email protected].