Bully Ray Reveals How Vince McMahon Left Him Paralyzed With Fear

Bully Ray Reveals How Vince McMahon Left Him Paralyzed With Fear
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During a fresh episode of the podcast, “Busted Open Radio,” WWE legend and Hall of Fame inductee Bully Ray discussed an event from his WWE career where he experienced a deep-seated fear, triggered by Vince McMahon.

A time came when the dread emerged for Bully Ray after he considerably overstepped the allocated TV time for WWE, extending it by an unexpected five minutes.

Here are some of the memorable instances from this podcast episode:

Discussing going five minutes beyond the scheduled WWE TV time frame, Bully Ray shared, “We just stretched five minutes over. Being on live TV, if you surpass even a single minute, you prepare yourself for a verbal onslaught. Five minutes over? You are looking at an immediate termination.”

Speaking about the moment McMahon struck fear into him, Bully Ray recalled, “Vince gave me one of his infamous stares and said, ‘If you ever dare to prolong my live television show by five minutes again… it better be worth it.’ That was my first-ever terrifying freeze in wrestling. I don’t believe something similar ever occurred again. I was frozen in fear. This was a real-life scenario.”

He also hinted that there could be a slight leeway given on overstepping the time limit if the wrestlers managed to deliver an extraordinary performance. Bully Ray described, “If you botched your match, you’d find the old man eyeballing you, his spectacles low on his nose’s tip, beckoning you, ‘Come here.'”