Bully Ray Doesn’t Have Much Affection For Professional Wrestling Hall Of Fames

Bully Ray Doesn’t Have Much Affection For Professional Wrestling Hall Of Fames
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In a recent episode of the podcast, “Busted Open Radio,” legendary WWE superstar and Hall of Famer, Bully Ray, discussed his skepticism about the concept of Hall of Fame in the industry of professional wrestling.

Key takeaways from the podcast are summarized below:

Bully Ray on his skepticism regarding wrestling Hall of Fames: “To me, it’s a misnomer to call it a ‘Hall of Fame’ in the sphere of professional wrestling. Rather, I view it as a Hall of Appreciation. Keep in mind that we are in the business of prearranged sports entertainment.”

Regarding how anyone can be scripted to become a Hall of Famer, Bully Ray stated: “The idea that I could, with a mere pencil, construct a Hall of Famer might sound absurd. Yet, my colleague Dreamer was in agreement because it resonates as truth. Anyone can be sculpted into a Hall of Famer by any determined promoter. Given a decade, anyone could be written up, written down, and decorated with an illustrious career.”

As context, it’s important to note that in 2018 both Ray and D-Von Dudley gained entry into the revered WWE Hall of Fame under their wrestling tag team title – The Dudley Boyz.