Brock Anderson’s Perspective on Pursuing a Career as a Producer After Retirement

Brock Anderson’s Perspective on Pursuing a Career as a Producer After Retirement
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On a recent edition of “The ARN Show podcast, Brock Anderson discussed a myriad of topics including his professional wrestling career, growing up as Arn Anderson’s son, his working relationship with his father, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On who are some of his favorite wrestlers: “So the one that I think — because of the same thing nobody knows the timeline, so everybody just assumed my dad was my favorite. He wasn’t because I just simply didn’t see him wrestle. So my favorite growing up was the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels. He was my favorite, hands down. And he was part of the match that actually made me really want to become a wrestler. Him and Taker, that first one, WrestleMania 25. I sat there glued to the ring, watching every moment of that match. And that’s when it clicked in my head, I was like, I know this is what my dad does and I’ve been to these shows, and I’ve been around it. But it was the first time I remember, ‘I think this is what I want to do. They just went out and had that crowd in the palm of their hands, and I want to feel that.’”

On whether he has met Shawn Michaels: “Yes, when WWE did a Raw in Charlotte I remember he brought me into my buddies down early. And somewhere around here there’s a picture with me meeting Shawn. That might have been the only time.”

On whether he wants to be a producer after his in-ring career is over: “I haven’t even remotely thought that far ahead. If I’m fortunate enough to have a 30-year run where people want to listen to me when it’s all said and done? Then yes, I will entertain that notion. But that is not on my radar at the moment.”

On his working relationship with his father: “There is sometimes, just things he never had tried or anything. But I think the only hiccup would be is if we’re in there and he’s telling me to do something that in my mind, I’m like, ‘I know. Of course, like that’s a given.’ But in his mind, he knows that even though it should be a given, it might not look that way. So when he says something like that, like, ‘Slow down’ or something. And I think I am going slow, and then I watch it back and I’m like, ‘He’s right. I could slow down.’ There hasn’t really been any hiccups. He knows he can read on my face when I’m not happy about something. Or when I know he knows what buttons to push and when to tell me what and where.”

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Brock Anderson, the son of legendary professional wrestler Arn Anderson, recently appeared on “The ARN Show” podcast to discuss various aspects of his wrestling career and personal life. In the interview, Brock shared insights into his favorite wrestlers, his relationship with his father, and his future aspirations in the industry.

One of the highlights of the conversation was when Brock revealed that his favorite wrestler growing up was Shawn Michaels, also known as the Heartbreak Kid. He mentioned that Michaels’ match against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 25 had a significant impact on him and made him realize his passion for wrestling. Brock expressed his admiration for Michaels’ ability to captivate the audience and create memorable moments in the ring.

When asked if he had ever met Shawn Michaels, Brock confirmed that he had the opportunity to meet him during a WWE Raw event in Charlotte. He recalled the experience fondly and mentioned that he has a picture with Michaels from that encounter.

Regarding his future plans in the wrestling industry, Brock stated that he hasn’t thought too far ahead. However, if he has a successful in-ring career and people still want to listen to him after it’s over, he would consider becoming a producer. Brock emphasized that he is currently focused on his present journey and is not actively considering a career transition.

Brock also discussed his working relationship with his father, Arn Anderson. He mentioned that while they have a great rapport, there are times when Arn suggests something that Brock initially feels is unnecessary. However, upon reviewing the footage, Brock realizes that his father’s advice was valuable. He acknowledged Arn’s ability to read his expressions and understand when to push him or provide guidance.

The podcast episode also featured an embedded video of “ARN #212: Ask Arn & Brock Anything (September 2023)” for fans to watch and enjoy.

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In conclusion, Brock Anderson’s appearance on “The ARN Show” podcast provided fans with interesting insights into his wrestling career, his admiration for Shawn Michaels, his relationship with his father Arn Anderson, and his future aspirations in the industry. Wrestling enthusiasts can find more information and stay connected with the latest news by visiting or following their social media accounts.