“Being able to perform both in acting and wrestling simultaneously is incredibly honorable,” states Paul Walter Hauser.

“Being able to perform both in acting and wrestling simultaneously is incredibly honorable,” states Paul Walter Hauser.
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Recently, renowned actor Paul Walter Hauser, known for his success in the world of Emmys and Golden Globe Awards, sat down with TV Insider to talk about his venture into the world of professional wrestling. Notably, Hauser was a contender at the recent MLW Battle Riot VI event.

Highlighted below are choice selections from the interview:

Hauser gave insight into juggling acting and wrestling careers saying: “It feels entirely privileged and honored. If someone had told me at the age of ten that I would have a joyful marriage, two children, be part of a Naked Gun remake alongside Liam Neeson, ready myself for a wrestling match, promote an animated film and own a McDonald’s Happy Meal toy…I’d think I must have made a pact with the devil. Instead, I’ve strived hard, established sobriety and surrounded myself with the best team personally and professionally. God has truly been generous with me, particularly recently. It seems like a perfect blend of everything I adore.”

In terms of obtaining studio permission for his wrestling appearances, Hauser said, “I prefer to ask for forgiveness rather than seek approval. My final match will be this Saturday, amid filming The Naked Gun for Paramount. After taking a brief hiatus, I’ll return to the ring for The Wrestling Revolver against Danhausen on June 22, and for Blitzkrieg Pro in Connecticut tagging with Paul London, my trainer and guide. Then I venture off to Australia in July to shoot a movie for Amazon and Skydance, co-starring a well-respected actor whom I can’t disclose yet. This film requires that I take a respite from wrestling during the shoot, although I may squeeze in a class or two in Sydney. Generally, though, I’ll be on a break from the ring before returning in October for a few matches before the year ends.”

Hauser shed light on his training regimen: “I am giving it my all. My wife and I are aware of the harmful substances in everyday products and I’ve been consuming more natural, unprocessed foods. I’ve been adhering to a high protein, low carb diet and hydrating more with alkaline water and electrolytes. My workout routine includes visits to a local YMCA in Atlanta five to six days a week. My aim is to increase my upper body strength, despite being relatively short at 5-foot-8 ½, 255 pounds. My ultimate goal is to have power like Scott Norton, who can lift a 300-pound guy with ease. I feel wonderful and I’m striving to regain the fitness level I had when preparing for Black Bird in 2021.”

Regarding his ambitions in wrestling, Hauser conveyed: “I’ve always been competitive as an actor, vying for roles with other actors and challenging myself creatively. In wrestling, my current objectives are to continue developing my skill set, avoid injuring myself or others, and ultimately earn a title in MLW. I’d love to transition into TNA or AEW. Although there have been preliminary discussions with both companies, nothing is certain yet. Participating in a SummerSlam or WrestleMania would be a dream come true. Since childhood, I’ve longed for the Intercontinental title. However, a more realistic goal for me now is to compete at a higher level and possibly secure an MLW title.”