Paul Heyman spoke to The New York Post about his WWE Hall of Fame induction on WrestleMania 40 weekend and his alliance in The Bloodline. Here are the highlights:
Staying power of The Bloodline:
“It’s not based on instant gratification and shock value. The whole designation of the Tribal Chief, The Bloodline, the family saga that plays out on TV and premium live events, is to present the highest quality product this industry has ever seen. We’re cognizant of the fact that for generations great performers in this industry have been inspired, like Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, DX, Stone Cold, The Rock. It’s been done.”
Wanting his storyline with Reigns:
“So, when Roman Reigns and I had a chance to work together, starting in August of 2020, our designation was to put together a body of work that would upon reflection compete with Peaky Blinders, The Sopranos, The Wire, Fargo, Breaking Bad — the most compelling dramas with the most riveting villains that anyone has ever seen. It’s a disruption of what had become the status quo in sports entertainment, and then a constant search for us to disrupt that disruption.”
His role in The Bloodline’s creative side:
“I carry a significant voice in how we are portrayed and presented — that includes everything from camera angles to music to storylines. It’s why Roman Reigns bestowed upon me the blessing name of the Wiseman, which is both acknowledgment from the Tribal Chief to his Special Counsel, and also a historical reference to the Grand Wizard, Freddie Blassie and Captain Lou Albano, who are the only managers during the Vincent James McMahon (father of Vince McMahon) era. I don’t know if I could only be a performer. I wouldn’t be satisfied. I wouldn’t be happy with just going out there and doing our shtick. I have to have a voice. I have to have some level of input, and so far, as luck would have it, that input has been not only welcomed but encouraged and very well received.”
Paul Heyman, the renowned professional wrestling personality and advocate, recently spoke to The New York Post about his upcoming induction into the WWE Hall of Fame on WrestleMania 40 weekend and his role in The Bloodline alliance. Heyman shared some intriguing insights into the staying power of The Bloodline, his aspirations for his storyline with Roman Reigns, and his creative input within the group.
Regarding The Bloodline, Heyman emphasized that its success is not based on instant gratification or shock value. Instead, the group aims to present the highest quality product the industry has ever seen. Heyman acknowledged the inspiration they draw from legendary performers like Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, DX, Stone Cold, and The Rock, who have left an indelible mark on the wrestling world. By recognizing the accomplishments of these icons, The Bloodline strives to create a legacy of their own.
Heyman also expressed his desire to craft a compelling storyline with Roman Reigns. Starting in August 2020, their goal was to create a body of work that could rival acclaimed dramas such as “Peaky Blinders,” “The Sopranos,” “The Wire,” “Fargo,” and “Breaking Bad.” Their aim was to disrupt the status quo in sports entertainment and continually search for ways to innovate within the industry.
As a key figure in The Bloodline’s creative side, Heyman revealed that he has a significant voice in how they are portrayed and presented. This includes decisions regarding camera angles, music, and storylines. Roman Reigns bestowed upon Heyman the title of the Wiseman, signifying his role as both the Tribal Chief’s Special Counsel and a nod to historical wrestling managers like the Grand Wizard, Freddie Blassie, and Captain Lou Albano. Heyman expressed that he wouldn’t be satisfied with solely being a performer; he craves having a voice and input in the creative process. Fortunately, his contributions have been welcomed, encouraged, and well-received thus far.
Heyman’s insights shed light on the dedication and vision behind The Bloodline and their commitment to delivering exceptional storytelling and entertainment. With Heyman’s creative input and Reigns’ commanding presence, The Bloodline continues to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact on the world of professional wrestling.