Adam Copeland’s Response to Not Being at AEW All In 2024, Tony Schiavone Compliments Copeland

Adam Copeland’s Response to Not Being at AEW All In 2024, Tony Schiavone Compliments Copeland
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During a recent guest appearance on the “Wrestling with Freddie” podcast, professional wrestler Adam Copeland, popularly known as Edge in WWE, discussed his recent injury. Copeland suffered a severe leg injury at AEW Double or Nothing 2024, which will sadly cause him to miss out on All In at Wembley Stadium. He expressed his regret and longing, stating,

“The disappointment that I feel about getting this injury when I did, is all about Wembley Stadium. I was immensely excited about Wembley because throughout my career, across multifarious venues – some of them lowly, others quite grand – Wembley, for me, brings to mind the magnificence of Freddy Mercury and Queen. I was on tenterhooks waiting for it, but it seems I’d have to postpone that thrill.”

Notably, AEW broadcaster Tony Schiavone has nothing but words of commendation for Copeland. On his own podcast, “What Happened When,” he eulogized both Copeland and fellow wrestler Orange Cassidy. Schiavone articulated,

“It’s not about belittling anyone else in the wrestling realm, but there are a select few I would name as ultimate professionals since I re-entered this industry. Adam Copeland certainly ranks amongst this illustrious group, as do Samoa Joe and Orange Cassidy. There are a few more who would fit into this category.”

He elaborated, “This doesn’t undercut anyone else’s contribution, but these gentlemen are remarkably reliable. If needed, they’re there on the spot. Working with such individuals has been a real privilege.”

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