A Singapore Cane Match is scheduled for the upcoming week’s WWE NXT Episode.

A Singapore Cane Match is scheduled for the upcoming week’s WWE NXT Episode.
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The rivalry between Lexis King and Dante Chen has intensified in recent times, culminating in an announcement on the June 4, 2024 episode of NXT of their upcoming clash in a Singapore Cane match.

In the aftermath of King’s ongoing disagreements with Robert Stone and the recently departed Von Wagner, Stone had orchestrated a faceoff between Chen and King on May 15. Chen surprisingly claimed the victory over King, despite his previously poor track record of wins and losses.

King was far from impressed by the outcome, branding it an anomaly and vowing to prevent such a recurrence. However, their subsequent rematch saw Chen securing another win, an outcome that incited King to physically confront Chen post-match.

In the latest episode, King was in the process of an interview with Kelly Kincaid when Chen initiated a confrontation that culminated in a skirmish between the two until intervention by officials.

The notable announcement came minutes later from Vic Joseph, confirming that King and Chen are set to battle it out in a Singapore Cane match in the coming week to resolve their differences.

Keep an eye out for further updates and remember to catch up with the next week’s live episode of WWE NXT to discover the winner!