Will Ospreay’s Perspective on His Skill Level Compared to Kurt Angle

Will Ospreay’s Perspective on His Skill Level Compared to Kurt Angle
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During an interview with Hey! EW, Will Ospreay discussed how Dave Meltzer and others praise his skills.

However, he doesn’t believe he’s on the same level as someone like Kurt Angle.

No, because when you talk about guys like Kurt Angle and he hasn’t got… one five-star match. I’m nowhere near the level of what Kurt Angle is. But I do feel like I’ve got my own special, unique… Stuff that Kurt Angle could never do, I could do. But stuff that I could never do, Kurt Angle could do. I think it’s just his opinion. You know what I mean? Opinions are like arseholes. Everyone’s got one.

In a recent interview with Hey! EW, professional wrestler Will Ospreay opened up about his skills and the praise he has received from renowned wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer and others. Despite the accolades, Ospreay humbly expressed that he does not consider himself on the same level as legendary wrestler Kurt Angle.

Ospreay acknowledged that while he possesses his own unique set of abilities, he believes that Angle’s accomplishments far surpass his own. He pointed out that Angle has never been awarded a five-star match, a prestigious rating given by Meltzer to exceptional wrestling performances. Ospreay’s modesty shines through as he recognizes the gap between his own achievements and those of Angle.

However, Ospreay also emphasized that he brings something special to the table that Angle cannot replicate. He believes that he possesses a distinct style and skill set that sets him apart from Angle and other wrestlers. Ospreay’s agility, high-flying maneuvers, and innovative moves are aspects of his wrestling repertoire that he believes Angle could never replicate.

In contrast, Ospreay acknowledged that there are certain aspects of wrestling where Angle excels and surpasses his own abilities. Angle’s technical prowess, mat wrestling skills, and overall in-ring presence are qualities that Ospreay admires and acknowledges as superior to his own.

Ultimately, Ospreay attributes the difference in opinion to personal perspectives. He compares opinions to “arseholes,” emphasizing that everyone has one. This statement highlights the subjectivity of evaluating wrestling skills and performances. While Meltzer and others may praise Ospreay’s abilities, Ospreay himself remains grounded and recognizes the vastness of talent within the wrestling industry.

Ospreay’s humility and self-awareness are admirable traits in an industry often characterized by ego and bravado. Despite the praise he receives, he remains humble and acknowledges the greatness of wrestlers like Kurt Angle. This mindset allows him to continuously strive for improvement and push the boundaries of his own abilities.

In conclusion, Will Ospreay’s interview with Hey! EW sheds light on his perspective regarding his skills and the praise he receives from wrestling experts. While he appreciates the recognition, he humbly acknowledges that he is not on the same level as Kurt Angle. Ospreay’s unique style and abilities set him apart, but he also recognizes Angle’s unmatched accomplishments. This interview showcases Ospreay’s humility and dedication to his craft, making him a respected figure in the world of professional wrestling.