Insightful Perspective: Hornswoggle Reflects on Great Khali’s Awareness of His Abilities and Financial Success

Insightful Perspective: Hornswoggle Reflects on Great Khali’s Awareness of His Abilities and Financial Success
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On a recent edition of Tony Schiavone’s “What Happened When” podcast, Hornswoggle discussed the in-ring skills, or lack thereof, of The Great Khali. He said,

“Deep down, he knew he wasn’t great, but he knew he was making a ton of money, so he was very happy to be there.”

Hornswoggle also discussed the role of Runjin Singh, who would serve as a manager for Khali on TV. He said,

“He was literally a translator for Khali for his promos, and then he just turned into the mouthpiece on-screen for Khali.” 

Khali’s lack of in-ring skills didn’t prevent him from capturing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in 2007. He became a WWE Hall of Famer in 2021.

The Great Khali: A Unique WWE Superstar

In the world of professional wrestling, there have been many larger-than-life characters who have captivated audiences with their in-ring skills and charisma. One such character is The Great Khali, a towering figure who made a significant impact during his time in the WWE. While his in-ring abilities may have been questioned by some, there is no denying his popularity and the impact he had on the industry.

Hornswoggle, a former WWE superstar himself, recently discussed The Great Khali’s in-ring skills on Tony Schiavone’s “What Happened When” podcast. According to Hornswoggle, Khali was aware of his limitations but was content with the success and financial rewards he achieved in the WWE.

Despite his lack of technical prowess, Khali managed to capture the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in 2007. This achievement speaks volumes about his popularity and the trust that the company had in him as a performer. It is not uncommon for wrestlers with limited in-ring abilities to find success in other aspects of the business, such as character work or mic skills.

One aspect of Khali’s character that Hornswoggle touched upon was the role of Runjin Singh, who served as Khali’s manager on TV. Initially, Singh acted as a translator for Khali during his promos, but eventually became his mouthpiece on-screen. This allowed Khali to focus on his physical presence and let Singh handle the verbal aspects of his character.

The WWE has a long history of utilizing managers to enhance the characters of wrestlers who may not excel in certain areas. Singh’s presence alongside Khali helped to establish him as a dominant force in the ring, despite any limitations he may have had.

In 2021, The Great Khali was rightfully inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. This honor recognizes his contributions to the industry and the impact he had on fans around the world. While his in-ring skills may have been a topic of debate, there is no denying the lasting impression he left on the WWE and its fanbase.

It is important to remember that professional wrestling is a form of entertainment, and not every wrestler needs to possess the same level of technical ability. The Great Khali’s success is a testament to the diverse range of characters and talents that can thrive in the industry. His larger-than-life persona and unique presence made him a memorable figure in WWE history.

In conclusion, The Great Khali may not have been known for his in-ring skills, but he made up for it with his charisma and popularity. His success in capturing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and his induction into the Hall of Fame are testaments to his impact on the industry. While opinions may differ on his abilities, there is no denying that The Great Khali left an indelible mark on the world of professional wrestling.