The Undertaker Reveals How WWE Rings Became Softer Under Vince McMahon’s Influence

The Undertaker Reveals How WWE Rings Became Softer Under Vince McMahon’s Influence
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During his Six Feet Under podcast, The Undertaker discussed the lack of flexibility in the wrestling ring in WWE. 

However, he noted that the ring did become slightly more forgiving when Vince McMahon began to take falls during the Attitude Era. 


“The ring got a lot softer after Vince started taking bumps years ago,” Taker stated. “Those first generation rings with WWE were nothing more than glorified boxing rings. They freaking hurt, especially in the winter when your body is already stiff and it’s cold outside and you’re doing double shot days. The second show on a double shot day, your body doesn’t loosen up the second time the way it does the first time. Those were pretty snug, hitting some of those in cold arenas.”

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The Undertaker, one of the most iconic figures in professional wrestling history, recently discussed the lack of flexibility in the wrestling ring in WWE during an episode of his Six Feet Under podcast. While reflecting on his career, he revealed that the wrestling ring became slightly more forgiving when Vince McMahon, the chairman and CEO of WWE, started taking falls during the Attitude Era.

According to The Undertaker, the rings used in the early days of WWE were nothing more than glorified boxing rings. They were not designed to provide much cushioning or support for the wrestlers, which often resulted in painful experiences inside the squared circle. The Undertaker emphasized that these rings were particularly challenging to work with during the winter season when the wrestlers’ bodies were already stiff and the arenas were cold.

He explained, “They freaking hurt, especially in the winter when your body is already stiff and it’s cold outside and you’re doing double shot days. The second show on a double shot day, your body doesn’t loosen up the second time the way it does the first time. Those were pretty snug, hitting some of those in cold arenas.”

However, The Undertaker acknowledged that things changed when Vince McMahon himself started taking bumps in the ring. McMahon’s willingness to experience the physical toll of wrestling firsthand led to improvements in the construction and design of the rings. As a result, the rings became slightly softer and more forgiving, providing some relief for the wrestlers.

The Undertaker’s comments shed light on the physical challenges that professional wrestlers face inside the ring. It highlights the importance of having a supportive and comfortable wrestling environment to ensure the well-being and longevity of the performers. The evolution of the wrestling ring over the years reflects the industry’s commitment to creating a safer working environment for its athletes.

As fans, it’s important to appreciate the sacrifices and physical demands that wrestlers endure to entertain us. Their performances are not just scripted entertainment but require immense athleticism, skill, and resilience. The Undertaker’s insights into the evolution of the wrestling ring serve as a reminder of the physical toll that wrestlers endure to entertain millions of fans worldwide.

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