Zelina Vega Reacts To Being A Babyface For The First Time Ever In Her WWE Career

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Zelina Vega turned babyface for the very first time in her WWE career several weeks ago as part of the Latino World Order/Legado del Fantasma storyline.

Speaking to Ryan Satin on the “Out of Character” podcast, the Latino World Order member commented on what it’s like playing a babyface, working with Rey Mysterio, and more.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On playing a babyface: “Most people go, ‘Oh yeah, you’ve done that before [managing].’ But never this way, and especially not as a babyface. I’ve never been a babyface before on TV ever, like in my whole 14 years of doing this, like ever. So it’s very, very cool, very different. And to add parts of Rey Mysterio into the match I had with Rhea and Dom, that was really fun for me.”

On it being harder to play a babyface: “Oh yeah. See, I’ve always said that I’m never the ‘Cheer for me!’ kind of person. That’s why I’ve always said, ‘Liv [Morgan], you got it. Like you got it down pat. I don’t know what you do, you genuinely care, right? That’s what it is, you actually like humans?’ I don’t. But I think that’s also what makes me kind of sort of likable sometimes, is that other people don’t like other people. So you can kind of be like, ‘You know what? I feel that! And I feel that you got seven cats, I rock with that.’ You know what I mean? Or it’s like, ‘Oh, she loves anime. I do too. I may not be stoked on her, but like her anime references are dope.

“So it’s like, you find reasons to like me. Plus, [laughs] you can’t hate me when I’m on Rey Mysterio’s side. And I know that we’ve had like our differences, or whatever. But we’re good now. He forgives very easily. I might have hit him in the face a few times, but he’s past that!”

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