“You will never amass the same wealth as I, Mercedes Mone, have!”

“You will never amass the same wealth as I, Mercedes Mone, have!”
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At NJPW Capital Collision’s main event on Friday night, Mercedes Mone victoriously retained her NJPW STRONG Women’s Championship. She overpowered her adversary Momo Watanbe to secure her championship.

Subsequent to the event, Mone expounded on her triumph and her forthcoming plans in a “Digital Exclusive” segment.

She articulated, “Incredible, it’s been 466 days since my last bout in a New Japan ring. I had apprehensions about whether I’d ever return to that ring. But 466 days later, here I am as Two Belt Moné. I’m the reigning New Japan Strong Women’s Champion as well as the AEW TBS Champion. I lost an eyelash due to Momo’s powerful kick. The women of STARDOM are mightily strong, superior and discernibly among the world’s best female wrestlers.”

Persisting, she added, “On the contrary, why am I Mercedes Mone? Because I am the CEO. I excel at what I do. Thus, any competitor in stardom, New Japan, or anywhere around the globe, try me. Attempt to get what’s mine and strive to replicate me. I dare you. But I’m confident you won’t succeed. Given that money indeed changes everything …and you’re never going to be as affluent as me!”

As part of a tweet by NJPW Global, the Championship winner was quoted, ‘You’ll never be as rich as me’ and invited audiences to see her victory speech on replay.

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