Xavier Woods Wishes To Host A Game Show, Titus O’Neil Wants To Do More Commentary

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On a recent edition of the “Superstar Crossover” podcast, WWE Superstar Xavier Woods expressed his desire to host a game show sometime after his in-ring career is over.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On looking beyond his in-ring career: “So, I’ve been doing a lot of work in the video game space because I wanted to do two things when I was a kid — be a pro wrestler, a WWE superstar, and work in video games. So I made this YouTube channel eight years ago, UpUpDownDown, where we play a lot of games, we’re doing all this stuff. I’ve been able to start writing a couple pages of my next chapter before this one ends because I wanted to make sure that I’m set up, that I can still have fun.”

On wanting to host a game show: “You’re going to see me hosting more video game stuff, bouncing around doing tournaments here and there. Also, I’m trying to host a game show. I know they just booked Ryan Seacrest to be the new host of Wheel of Fortune after Pat Sajak leaves, but he can keep the seat warm for me, and then when I’m ready and I’ve got the chops in the field, I’m gonna be on there.”

On the latest edition of WWE’s “The Bump,” Titus O’Neil shared his experience doing commentary work, noting that he would like to do more of it. He said,

“I love it. I want to do more, but I also am very understanding it the fact that it’s a very difficult job to sit there for three hours. I would have to stop drinking two gallons of water a day. But yeah, I want to learn the craft more, I want to do it more. I want to be more involved in every aspect of WWE. Obviously, being a WWE global ambassador is busy work in itself, but if I can add to the show in any way and also have a chance to see the beautiful faces of my WWE coworkers on a consistent basis, I’d love to do that.”

“So commentary is definitely something I’m interested in doing more of, and I have a love of fun doing it. But it has a craft. I think a lot of people say, ‘Yeah, Titus O’Neil needs to be on commentary every week.’ Well, guys, slow down. Michael Cole, everybody that’s in the profession knows, it’s a very difficult job to do. You got so many things that are moving around. You got to make sure you’re not stepping on the person next to you and making sure you’re getting out certain information. Somebody’s got to call the match. It’s a lot. So I’m interested in learning more about the craft so that when I am on there, I’m not only entertaining but I’m also a real commentator.”

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