Xavier Woods Shares His Response to Chris Danger and Minoru Suzuki’s Highlight at MLW Battle Riot VI

Xavier Woods Shares His Response to Chris Danger and Minoru Suzuki’s Highlight at MLW Battle Riot VI
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WWE superstar Xavier Woods was a visible presence at the recent MLW Battle Riot VI event, not just in the audience but also backstage.

Chris Denker, more commonly known by his YouTube persona, Chris Danger, played a noteworthy role in the Battle Riot match there, getting locked in an encounter with Minoru Suzuki.

Woods did not delay in expressing his views about this incident on his social media account. Woods stated, “We got Chris Danger getting beat up by Minoru Suzuki before we got White Chicks 2. The universe is a wild place! (Proud of my guy!).”

In previous times, Woods and Danger have featured in shared video content.

Woods’s tweet read: “We got Chris Danger getting beat up by Minoru Suzuki before we got White Chicks 2. The universe is a wild place! (Proud of my guy!).” This post showcased his pride and humor about the sequence of events.