Xavier Woods Loves Inspiring Kids To Get Into Wrestling

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The New Day’s Xavier Woods loves being a gateway for kids to get into WWE. He finds it humbling that he is able to inspire children to get into something that he loves.

Speaking with ReviewSTL for an interview, Woods revealed that he often receives tweets and messages from parents thanking The New Day for attracting their children to WWE. He said,

“I think it’s something that’s very important to us and we take it very seriously. Because with the way that we have presented ourselves on WWE television, it’s something that is very family-friendly, very kid-friendly. When we started getting hot and really rolling I — we always talk about this. We vividly remember, there’s so many moments where on Twitter, someone would send us a picture. And it’s some like, you know, 40-year-old dude saying, ‘Hey, thank you guys for being you, because my four-year-old daughter, she doesn’t know you guys are called New Day, but she says, ‘Oh I love the Unicorn guys’ and now she wants to come to the show with me. She wants to sit in the crowd and go to a WWE event because she’s had her eyes opened to it with these three guys that Lisa Frank threw up on,’ you know? And oh, now she sees Bianca. Now she sees Becky Lynch, now she sees Bayley, and now she’s hyper-involved in this.’”

“There’s there’s so many stories like that, where people have told us that their kids have — we were the gateway for their kids to get into WWE. And and that is something that you don’t you don’t think of as a kid, when you’re like, ‘Oh, I want to be a WWE Superstar.’ You’re like, ‘I want to be the best, and I want to win the title!’ All that stuff is great and and highly, highly coveted and important, but the auxiliary things that we weren’t ready for. You know, things like the moment I was just talking about. Those are the ones that hit you in the chest, and they make you realize, ‘Oh, that that was me, or that was one of my friends.’ I know that kid, you know? I’ve experienced that kid before, and now I’m the one who’s inspiring them to get into something that I love. Kids sending me messages about, ‘I chose to play trombone in school because you played trombone,’ like what? It’s so humbling. And so [I’m] just really grateful that we get the chance to even one, like be on TV doing what we love. But two, that that people, it really resonates with them. So it’s cool to see.”

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