WWE Was Not Interested In Kurt Angle Following His TNA Departure In 2015

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On a recent episode of “The Kurt Angle Show,” WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle recalled his TNA departure in 2015. Kurt revealed how difficult it was for him to part ways with TNA, and WWE not having any interest in signing him during that period.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On if he considered retirement after not signing a new deal: “I wouldn’t say it was because TNA was over and done with. I would say that I felt like it was my time to get out because I didn’t want them coming back and offering me, ‘hey, we can’t give you a million we’ll give you five hundred. I didn’t want to have to deal with that, and I also wanted to return to WWE just because of the fans. I wanted to show my appreciation for them being hardcore fans while I was in WWE, and when I crossed over to TNA, and then I wanted to come back to WWE to finish my career. That was my goal, and that’s what I did.”

On if it was difficult to leave TNA: “I loved TNA. I loved it. I loved everything about it. I loved going down to Universal Studios and doing two shows in one day and not having to work for two weeks. I loved doing the house shows at the baseball fields. I loved the pay. I loved all the workers the wrestlers in the business. There was nothing in the business that would keep me from staying there except that I knew that TNA was almost at the end of the road as far as financially. So, I had to do something.”

On WWE saying they had no interest: “Yes, I spoke to Triple H, and he said he’d talk to Vince McMahon, and the two things that Vince McMahon said was bad reputation, and I knew right then and there that I had to earn my way back. That I would have to stay out of trouble and stay clean. I had for DUIs. I was addicted to alcohol and the painkillers and all that stuff. I knew that I’d have to prove myself to get back there, but I knew I’d be able to get there eventually. So, what I decided to do is retire from TNA, and I took a year off, and I did some independent matches during that year, and then WWE ended up calling me eventually. So, I knew it was going to happen it was just a matter of time.”

On if he thought about calling Dixie back when WWE wasn’t interested: “No because I knew I was done with TNA. I knew WWE would eventually call me back. I knew it because they always do. You talk about any superstar that’s ever left the WWE, even on bad terms, they’ve always come back. I just knew that I had to prove myself that I could stay clean and stay out of trouble for a good year or so, and they would bring me back, and that’s what happened.”

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