In 2023, WWE began a transition operation to move its teams from their original home, Titan Towers, to its newly constructed headquarters. This move had been in the pipeline for many years but was slowed down due to the pandemic impact, which delayed the company’s construction timeline and moving plans for the new edifice.
WWE’s recently constructed base, spreading across an impressive 400,000 square feet, has been designed to house over 800 staffers comfortably.
As per the news on eWn, WWE’s original central building was valued at around million in 2023. Property details sourced from Newmark shows that the structure has more than 90,000 square feet of space and is complemented by the availability of 300 parking spaces.
This previous infrastructure contained facilities such as a gym and a dining area. It got listed on the market in the month of September.
However, Pwinsider confirmed that in spite of persistent speculation, “WWE has NOT sold the old Titan Tower building in Stamford, CT.”. It was clarified that while the older studio building under WWE has been disposed of, Titan Towers continues to find its buyer.