WWE Registers a Fresh Trademark – Specifics Revealed

WWE Registers a Fresh Trademark – Specifics Revealed
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The World Wrestling Entertainment, WWE, initiated the process to secure the trademark “Los Garza” from the United States Patent and Trademark Office on June 12th. The intended use for this new trademark is strictly for entertainment purposes.

Evidence suggests that WWE is intending to use this name for the emerging tag team of Angel and Humberto Carrillo.

Here’s the official specification for the “Los Garza” trademark as per the registration documents maintained:

“The ‘LOS GARZA’ trademark registration is anticipated to encompass several entertainment categories – namely, wrestling exhibitions and performances executed by a professional wrestling entertainer. These performances are not limited to one medium but extend to broadcast channels such as television, radio, and online services such as the internet or commercial online platforms. Additional entertainment amenities which fall under this umbrella include providing wrestling news and information via the worldwide web, offering sport and entertainment data through an online community portal, hosting a website dedicated to sports entertainment, and fan club services like organizing wrestling events for fan club members. Social events for fan club members, primarily for their entertainment, and the provision of online newsletters about sports entertainment are also included, as are releasing online journals and blogs around the same theme.”