WWE Challenges MLW’s Claim to Hart Foundation Trademark; Jeff Hardy Receives Approval to Resume In-Ring Performance.

WWE Challenges MLW’s Claim to Hart Foundation Trademark; Jeff Hardy Receives Approval to Resume In-Ring Performance.
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After a hiatus due to injury and the conclusion of his AEW contract, Jeff Hardy made a comeback to TNA Wrestling during the Against All Odds 2024 pay-per-view event earlier this week.

In a fresh chat with “MuscleMan Malcolm,” Hardy confirmed that he received a medical clearance to make a comeback in the wrestling ring. “I am cleared to wrestle again with a broken nose mask,” he said.

Following this, the attention turns to a trademark dispute. As per a report from Pwinsider, WWE is making moves to challenge MLW’s registration of The Hart Foundation trademark. On the 13th of June, WWE obtained a 9-day extension to put forward their opposition to the trademark, giving them until the 11th of September to present their argument.

In other news, WWE Hall of Famer Bull Nakano is on the agenda to take part in a virtual signing for HighspotsAuctions.com. Nakano’s “Sign It Live!” event is slated for the 19th of June at 18:00 EST.